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Organizaciones sucesoras del paramilitarismo

Lecciones para aprender del eterno retorno de la guerra

Jueves 11 de abril de 2019

Autoría: Silvia Juliana Becerra Ostos


On page 16, third paragraph, line 2, from where it says: "The legal debate around the characterization of these new organizations (...)" up to page 18, three first lines, where it says: "purpose of committing one or more serious crimes (...) with a view to obtaining, directly or indirectly, an economic benefit or other benefit of a material nature ", corresponds to a textual citation of the work of Víctor Barrera, extra-legal governance and criminal markets. Armed reconfigurations after the demobilization of the AUC , Bogotá, mimeo, 2018, pages 10 and 11.

On page 18, second paragraph, line 6, from where it says: "The Supreme Court of Justice established (...)" until line 10, where it says "plunged the process into a new crisis" corresponds to a textual citation of the work of Víctor Barrera, extra-legal governance and criminal markets. Armed reconfigurations after the demobilization of the AUC , Bogotá, mimeo, 2018, page 23.

On page 19, the third line, from where it says: "At the political level, the distrust of the main paramilitary leaders increased (...)" to what it says, at the end of the following paragraph: "and, therefore, without many possibilities to clearly anticipate future results ", corresponds to a textual citation of the work of Víctor Barrera, extra-legal governance and criminal markets. Armed reconfigurations after the demobilization of the AUC , Bogotá, mimeo, 2018, pages 23 and 24.

The author states that the omission of the bibliographic credit of the previous citations is due to an error of her entire responsibility. Both she and the Colombian Commission of Jurists, in their capacity as editor, express to Mr. Víctor Barrera his apologies for this incident and for the inconvenience caused.

Mr. Víctor Barrera expresses his agreement with this erratum and considers the incident over.

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